Dear CrossPoint Church Family, 
I am so grateful to have you as my church family.  Your passion for leading people to Christ and commitment to be FOR everyone else that might not feel welcome in the church continues to encourage and inspire me in my own faith journey.  On Sunday, October 10, I shared with you that I was recently diagnosed with cancer.  The Guardians, staff and I wanted to put the details of that in print to allow for even better communication.
 Some time ago I began experiencing consistent pain in my pelvis area.  Then about 2 and half months ago, I started seeing blood in my stool. Dr. Gallenstein ordered a colonoscopy, which occurred on October 1.   During that procedure, the doctor discovered a 4 CM mass on the lower wall of my rectum.  He was suspicious that it was malignant and ordered a biopsy and a CT scan of my chest, abdomen, and pelvis.   The CT scan showed that there are no other tumors in my body which are great news! However, the biopsy revealed that I do have rectal cancer. The doctor believes we caught it early and that it will be cured.   
The next step is an MRI, which will enable the oncologist to determine the stage of cancer and, in cooperation with my surgeon, to determine the treatment needed before surgery can occur.  At this point, I have been told to expect at least 5 weeks of daily radiation or chemotherapy treatment at St. Elizabeth Hospital followed by surgery to remove the mass. On October 26, after all the information they need has been gathered they will tell me the definite game plan.
As I think about others in our church family who are presently fighting cancer (Johnny Barbour, Mike King, Sandy Boling, James Hurst to name a few) and many other people in our church who presently have a loved one fighting cancer or who are grieving a loved one whose battle has ended, I am reminded of how fortunate I am to have my prognosis and a renewed sense of urgency to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in the fight of their lives.  
Some have asked what you can do to be supported:
  1.  My first request is that you pray for Kimberly, Anna, and Seth.  Pray for them to have strength as they walk with me through this.  I love them with all my heart and I pray they experience God’s sustaining grace in a fresh and surprising way. 
  2. Pray for the staff and Guardians as they will be required to bear a greater load during the times when I may not be able to in the process.  And pray for me to have the sense to know when to step back, rest, heal and let them do so. 
  3. Join me for a walk.  It just so happens that on Sunday, November 14, 3 PM there is a stroll in the park for colon/rectal cancer in Burlington.  All proceeds go to help people who cannot afford screenings to have access.  I would love to have you join me and my family that day.  Wouldn’t it be cool if Crosspoint had the largest team there and we could, in one more way, show others that God is FOR and with us in the challenges?  (
Finally, I thank God for his presence and unshakeable confidence in the goodness that he has given me as we waited for and received this diagnosis.  I know that he works all things together for good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).  Whatever happens, I have a peace that can only be explained as having come from him.
I love you all and thank God for you!  Thanks for listening.

Chad Current