40-Day Prayer Challenge Help Guide

Where do I find the weekly challenge?  

Locate the challenge for the week on  the App, Crosspoint Now or at crosspointonline.net where you will click on 40 Day at the top of the page.

What about my 40 Day Prayer Challenge Partner?

  • If you requested our help in partnering you with someone please see the attachment and text or call your assigned partner before Monday, April 12.  If you requested our help and your name is not on the list, it means we made a mistake.  We had about 150 names to sort through and we fear we may have missed someone. Contact me at ccurrent@crosspointonline.net and I will correct our mistakes.
  • If you requested help or already have a prayer partner, plan to set aside at least 30 minutes a week to talk or text together about what you are learning, or hearing God say through Scripture or the challenge each week.  We often hear God speak through others.

What will the challenge consist of?

  •  We will begin the prayer challenge with worship every Sunday or in-person (if you miss a Sunday, just watch the service later that week).  The message series, “New Normal”  will help us learn to pray the way Jesus taught us to pray through the Lord’s/Our Father Prayer.
  • Each week you will be given a prayer focus to pray before, during and after your Scripture reading time. Read Scripture not for information or to get through it but as a way of letting it speak to you and your life.  (see more about the Scripture reading below).
  • On Monday of each week there will be a video explaining the prayer challenge for the week.  These challenges come from long used and proven prayer practices passed down through the generations of the church.
  • Every Wednesday there will be a video of inspiration that we pray will encourage you to keep going.
  • Every Saturday is a day off.   Use it to rest and thank God for what you have been experiencing from him in the past week.

Which Scripture reading option is best for you?

1.  One-a-day plan is for those new to creating a pattern of Scripture and prayer or who know that this is a busy time that will make reading more challenging.  If so, this plan is for you.  You will read one Psalm a day as a way to learn from our faith ancestors how to pray with uncensored honesty.  The prayer in the Psalms is raw and real—when they are joyful, you know it; when they are discouraged, they do not hide it.  As you read the Psalm each day, ask God to help you to grow you in your trust of him so much that you can hold nothing back in conversation with him.
2.  Three-a-day plan is for those who are ready for and have the time to commit to setting aside time three times a day (morning, afternoon, and night) to read a Psalm.  You will read these Psalms as a way to learn from our faith ancestors how to pray with uncensored honesty.  The prayer in the Psalms is raw and real—when they are joyful, you know it; when they are discouraged, they do not hide it.  As you read the three Psalms each day, ask God to help you to grow you in your trust of him so much that you can hold nothing back in conversation with him.  Resist the temptation to read all three Psalms in one setting.  Be intentional about when you will read each Psalm throughout the day and let the Psalm be a means through which you speak to and hear from God in the morning, afternoon, and night (idea: set an alarm on your phone to remind you each time).

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