2023 Guardian Nominees

Maysville Campus Nominees (Vote for 2)

Rod Baker

My prayer for CrossPoint this year is that we will find more ways to be impactful for God within our community.  That more within our community would come to see us as people who live out our mission to be “FOR” everyone in our actions.  That we would not be afraid to go outside of the walls of our church to boldly proclaim the name of Jesus in all that we do and say, meeting people where they are and helping them to be where God wants them to be. Lastly, that we would reflect Christ in everything that we do.
My dream for CrossPoint in the next five years is we would be known as a safe place for all to come and worship regardless of their past or present situation.  That God would use us as a catalyst to start and maintain a revival for His Kingdom, and that everyone would feel welcome. That our seats would be filled to capacity because God used us in a mighty way to reach those who thought they had no home.  That as we grow, we would never lose sight of who we are and who’s we are…all of us sinners saved by the grace of God.

Cyndi Frodge

My prayer for CrossPoint this year is for existing followers to grow more in their faith and to reach those that need to know Christ and make them feel welcomed. 
My dream for CrossPoint in the next five years is to reach as many people as we can, be FOR them, and give them hope.

Sue Howard

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray your Spirit guide our (Crosspoint Church Family) plans and visions. That we will be passionate follower's of Christ longing to see others become the same! That as we focus on growing smaller and deeper in unity of spirit and love, with You and our Church Family, we will grow bigger and wider being FOR others, investing ourselves and inviting others to know the love of God! To God be the glory!

Over the next 5 years my dream would be no one in our Church's community reach could say God isn't fOR me or I'm not welcome at Crosspoint Church, because they will see and hear the testimonies of lives changed! And will have been invited or compelled to come and see! Taste and see the Lord is Good! Praise God!

Jamie Whaley

My prayer for Crosspoint this year is that we as a church will continue to soften our hearts and open our eyes, so that each of us will see others as Jesus does. That the Good News which we receive and share be truly good news for EVERYONE, including the hungry, the stranger, the naked, the sick, those who are struggling, and the imprisoned. That we will always remember that true faith doesn’t stay locked within the walls of the church. It reaches out to the hurting, broken, lonely, lost, and hopeless…
My dream for Crosspoint Community Church in the next five years is that we will see a breakthrough in discipleship, so that we can continue to identify individuals and leaders whom we can pour our time into, share our experience with, and build healthy and trusting relationships. For a breakthrough in community, to help us all to live authentic lives with others, studying God’s Word, holding each other accountable, offering encouragement, and growing deeper in our faith together. That we will be intentional in our daily lives with those whom we come in contact, so we can be healers in a broken world. That we as a church will  continue to give and invest joyfully into the growth of God’s Kingdom. That we will humble ourselves in a way that God will empower us like never before for ministry. And that we will communicate such joy, such truth, such grace and such passion in our worship that we inspire others to join in the experience of praising God.

Bracken Campus Nominees (Vote for 1)

Jeff Crawford

My prayer for CrossPoint this year is to increase attendance and provide a fulfilling and comfortable place for everyone to worship 

My prayer for CrossPoint in the next five years is continue with our mission of moving FORward.

Ann Galenstein

My prayer for Crosspoint this year is to continue to foster a community of believers who have opportunity to experience the peace and joy of knowing and serving Jesus. I pray that we work diligently to outreach to our community to seek, find, teach, serve and encourage nonbelievers or non practicing believers to join our mission to be passionate followers of Christ.

My dream for Crosspoint in the next five years is that our membership will grow exponentially so that we can increase the number of people we can serve and lead to
the love of Christ.

Dalawna Kearns

My prayers for crosspoint this year is to continue to work in the community providing support to those who are hurting and looking for the one thing that can set them free. Jesus

My future vision for Crosspoint is begin a consolidated effort with other faith based programs and churches to provide a unified effort in reaching the lost.