Day 1 - Worship Past Sunday

Worship past Sunday…Worship is not only what we do for an hour on Sunday, it is intended to be a way of life.  Worship is about setting our hearts and minds on God as our priority in everything we do, every relationship we have and every place we go.
  • Today we invite you to incorporate a song of praise into your coming and going.  Watch this video and then make time to replay the music portion at least three times today.  Each time you create space for this worship song, take a moment to redirect your heart and mind toward God..  If you are having a good day, it will be easy. If you are having a challenging day, it may not be easy, but a song of praise will be worth it. 
  • Video clip of Eli sharing the scripture and meaning behind a favorite worship song followed by live recording.  
  • This plan will provide you with a devotional, scripture and prayer every day.  If this is new to you, this is a great place to start.  Every day of the 40-day challenge we invite you to join us in Bible reading and prayer.  We invite you to join us at


If you are ready for a greater challenge and have developed your own practice of prayer and a decent grasp of letting God speak to you through the Bible then you may be ready to take on this greater challenge.  'The 40-Day New Testament Challenge'. Check it out here: